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There's going to be an official Destiny cookbook

What the cluck.

Fried chicken dominates the front cover of Destiny: The Official Cookbook, a genuine recipe book on the slate for release in August 2020.

Written from the perspective of Destiny's ol' Eva Levante, this culinary companion claims it will "inspire fans to go on their own culinary adventure through the solar system".

The front cover appears to suggest this means fried chicken, sausage rolls and coleslaw.

What other recipes will be in the cookbook? We don't yet know. But I'm already concerned for the wellbeing of Colonel, Cayde's pet chicken, who may be this book's cover star.

As for the other food items... sausage (god) rolls? Red (Death) cabbage coleslaw? We're not sure. How about a Tower burger? An Iced bun-breaker? A deep fried Mars?

There does at least appear to be a couple of glasses of milk to help wash it all down - Vex milk, presumably.

Confused? Intrigued? We promise you this is a real thing. If you are interested, it's currently listed on Amazon for pre-order priced $35 (about £27).

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