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The Room series shifts over 5.4 million copies

You're my favourite customer.

The Room developer Fireproof Games has revealed that its mysterious puzzle game and its sequel, The Room 2, have sold a combined 5.4 million copies.

Solve all of The Room's riddles and perhaps you'll discover the significance of playing football three feet apart.

Fireproof co-founder and The Room director Barry Meade made the announcement on Twitter. "Today Fireproof received word The Room Two has sold 1.2m. Combined with The Room we're at 5.4m sales over 14 months," he said.

"Yet this all happened without Fireproof spending any money on marketing or PR or analysts or analytics," he added. "We had no experience of mobile, we made it up as we went along, our game wasn't a service & we believed in gamer word of mouth."

"Maybe what mobile games needs is less databollocks and more devs who believe in gamers & what gamers want."

Eurogamer editor-in-chief Tom Bramwell raved about The Room in his App of the Day write-up in September 2012, while our regular contributor Dan Whitehead spoke highly of its sequel, which launched in December. "I doubt the structural integrity of The Room would survive another extension, but this is still a perfect game for a cold winter's night," Whitehead concluded in his The Room 2 review.

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