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The Bureau, BioShock 2 dev 2K Marin "essentially" shut after staff layoffs - report

2K confirms "reductions", won't say how many.

2K Marin, developer of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and BioShock 2, is "essentially" no more after a wave of staff lay-offs affecting the "majority" of team members, multiple reports claim.

2K itself has confirmed "staff reductions" at the studio but not gone so far as to announce its closure.

But sources speaking to Rock Paper Shotgun claimed that the developer was now "essentially" done for, and that those keeping their jobs were people who had been offered positions at 2K's new Novato studio, set up by BioShock Infinite producer Rod Fergusson.

"A couple of weeks ago, the new 2K team in Novato (the one Rod Fergusson is leading) interviewed and made offers to a small number of 2K Marin team members," an anonymous ex-2K Marin employee explained. "I don't know exactly how many, but it wasn't a lot. It sounds like everyone who was not offered a position on that team was let go today."

Another source, speaking to Polygon, said they were "100 per cent sure" that 2K Marin as we knew it was shut and the "majority" of staff were now unemployed.

"We can confirm staff reductions at 2K Marin," publisher 2K explained in its official statement. "While these were difficult decisions, we regularly evaluate our development efforts and have decided to reallocate creative resources. Our goal to create world-class video game titles remains unchanged."

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