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The Blackwell Epiphany concludes the five-game adventure series today

Ghostly point-and-click noir has a demo.

Wadjet Eye Game's long-running ghost detective series Blackwell has come to a close with today's release of The Blackwell Epiphany on PC.

Available now for £10.99 / $14.99 on Steam, GoG and the Wadjet Eye website, The Blackwell Epiphany is the fifth game in Wadjet Eye's point-and-click adventure series that follows paranormal investigator Rosa Blackwell and her Rat Pack-esque ghost detective partner Joey Malone.

In February 2013 series director and Wadjet Eye founder Dave Gilbert touted Epiphany as the darkest game in the Blackwell saga.

If you're unsure if Blackwell Epiphany is your jam, there's a free demo you can download from Wadjet Eye's site.

Newcomers to the series can catch up by purchasing the previous four Blackwell games either individually or bundled together for £14.99 / $14.99.

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