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The best bits from the wonderful Summer Games Done Quick 2015 speedrunning event

Chrono Trigger! Super Metroid! Legend of Zelda! More!

Games Done Quick's Summer 2015 speedrunning marathon wrapped up yesterday - and it ended with a whopping $1.2m raised for charity.

My personal highlights of SGDQ 2015 were TASBot breaking apart Sonic Advance.

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This fantastic speedrun of The Legend Zelda: A Link to the Past.

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This Super Metroid four-player race.

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And this wonderful 100 per cent run of cult classic role-playing game Chrono Trigger.

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Chris Bratt, who also likes the odd speedrun, suggests checking out this impressive Prince of Persia: Sands of Time effort.

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And this run of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, "because it's a more recent video game and I didn't even know it had a speedrunning community".

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There's a load more worth checking out. All the runs are collected on this playlist on YouTube.

SGDQ 2015 worked to raise money for Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), an international medical humanitarian organisation that provides aid in nearly 70 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, exclusion from health care, natural disasters, or malnutrition.

Well done everyone!

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