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Team17 picks up prison break game The Escapists

Out later this year.

Team17, the company behind the Worms series, has picked up prison break game The Escapists as its second third-party published title.

The Escapists is developed by Derby studio Mouldy Toof, the maker of Spud's Quest. It was successfully crowd-funded through Kickstarter last year to the tune of £7131, and was also successful on Steam Greenlight. It's due out later in 2014.

The game itself is a cross between Terraria and Minecraft set in a prison with a top-down camera perspective. There's time management, digging and crafting, among other activities.

It'll be hands-on at EGX Rezzed, alongside Team17's Light, created by Just A Pixel, at the NEC in Birmingham from 28th to 30th March.

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