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Takahashi shows Nobi Nobi Boy

Katamari creator at GameCity.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Keita Takahashi used his keynote at this weekend's GameCity festival to show off an early demo of his new PlayStation 3 game Nobi Nobi Boy.

He handed three controllers out to the audience, who then stretched Nobi Nobi's erm, body, to flick pigs, chickens, a dog and a small selection of other animals around a flat plane.

With no sound or detailed background it was left to Takahashi's ridiculously cute characters to hold the attention, which they did with ease, as the fawned-over designer himself stated; "It is impossible to explain what is funny about a pig riding on a boy."

Answering questions from the audience didn't reveal much more about the project either. What do you do, what's the point of the game? "I can't tell you yet". Is the game set in a zoo? "That's confidential". Can you eat humans? "That would be a good idea."

"What's funny about it is I haven't managed to explain it to anybody yet, not even my boss," he added.

So the three Nobi Nobi Boys bent, stretched and spun around the space, as little animals trotted about grinning. One or two were gobbled up, travelled through the belly and shat out the other end. The audience giggled, captivated by the mumbling, bare-footed Takahashi.

What inspired the creation of Nobi Nobi Boy? Oh you know, the same things that no doubt pushed CliffyB to make Gears of War - walking in the park, the dog lead stretching in and out, and collecting Miffy stickers.

Takahashi also took the opportunity to raise the point that videogames aren't that important compared to more significant global concerns - pollution, war, poverty, that sort of thing.

Other, less serious points raised by Takahashi in no particular order: he's growing a plant that will creep down to his neighbours apartment in an effort to let them know he lives above them, his Mac has been invaded by a beardy elf, his favourite sandals broke which he took to be a bad omen, and he is "sick" of Katamari Damacy.

Oh, he's also creating a playground in Nottingham. Honestly.

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