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Square Enix's Project Athia is PS5 console exclusive for two years

Sony, so far.

Project Athia, the upcoming PC and PS5 project from Square Enix, has a two year period of console exclusivity.

There's no release date yet for the mysterious fantasy game but, whenever it does arrive, it won't be seen on Xbox Series X/S for a further two years.

Sony clarified this exclusivity for the first time in a trailer for various upcoming PS5 games released last night:

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Project Athia was first revealed back in June, during Sony's big PS5 broadcast. Back then, it was listed as coming to PC and PS5, with Square Enix fledgling studio Luminous Productions announced as developer.

It is, perhaps, a little unusual to see Sony's exclusivity period quantified - but it is welcome, considering the confusion surrounding Square Enix's other PS5 console exclusive: Final Fantasy 16.

In September, Sony showed off the first footage of FF16 with the title card "PlayStation Console Exclusive *also available on PC". Following the announcement, trusted industry analyst Piers Harding-Rolls revealed the deal was more complicated, with a two-tier release structure that would see the game fully exclusive to PS5 for six months, before a PC release was possible. After that, it would be a further six months before it could launch on other consoles, such as Xbox.

Here's our first look at Project Athia again:

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