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Sony pals with Fahrenheit dev

Quantic gets all emotional.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony is giddy with excitement after revealing a new collaboration with Fahrenheit developer Quantic Dream.

Details on the actual game are scarce, but it will be a PS3 title "expected to set a new benchmark in delivering emotionally compelling experiences to gamers", in Sony's words. So, probably another story-based action adventure, then.

"We always believed that 'next generation' meant more meaningful content based on players' emotional involvement," said David Cage, big cheese at Quantic Dream. "To us, PS3 is the only platform that can truly deliver on this promise, and Sony Worldwide Studios is both inspiring and pleasant to work with."

Fahrenheit appeared on PC, PS2 and Xbox at the end of 2005 to wide critical acclaim. It tells the story of a man who commits murder and is convinced he was possessed and unaccountable for his actions. The yarn was fabulous, but it was let down slightly by the frustrating action sequences.

If any developer could pull off the somewhat over-emphasised emotional content in the announcement, then Quanitc would be our pick.

Head over to our Fahrenheit review to see why.

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