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Shin Megami Tensei 4 Europe release date finally announced

3DS role-player to arrive as a digital download.

Nintendo 3DS samurai RPG Shin Megami Tensei 4 will at last reach Europe in September, publisher Atlus has announced.

The game will be made available as a digital download from the 3DS eShop, priced at £17.99/€19.99.

It has taken over a year for the game to reach these shores - it was first available in Japan back in May 2013 and then in North America last July. No reason was given for the long wait.

Shin Megami Tensei 4 stars a young samurai who must negotiate the various factions found within the region of Mikado.

All DLC will also see a European launch, Atlus added, except for the North American retailer-exclusive armour.

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