Sewer Pipe locations in Fortnite
Don't get Krang-y, here's how to travel through sewer pipes.
You need to know the Sewer Pipe locations in Fortnite if you want to complete a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle phase one mission and collect Ooze for unlocking TMNT related rewards. For this mission, you need to travel through Sewer Pipes in three different matches.
As with many collaborative quests that happen in Fortnite, this one requires you to behave like a Ninja Turtle. They hop in and out of Sewer Pipes to get around New York City undetected, and now it's your turn!
Without further ado, we're here to show you all the Sewer Pipe locations in Fortnite and how to travel through them.
On this page:
All Sewer Pipe locations in Fortnite
These are all of the Sewer Pipe locations in Fortnite that we've found so far:
- Reckless Railways
- Pleasant Plazza
- Hazy Hillside
- Classy Courts
- Ritzy Riveria
- Snooty Steppes

We will update this section as we discover more.
How to travel through Sewer Pipes in Fortnite
To travel through a Sewer Pipe in Fortnite you need to run straight up to it and hover over it until you get the prompt to 'Hide' in it. Follow the indicated prompt and your character will hop inside, then you will be whisked to the other end of the pipe which is usually in the same area.
Be careful though, it's extremely obvious when someone has popped out of a Sewer Pipe near you so you will be a bit of an easy target. We recommend getting as far away from a Pipe as you can if you think people are nearby, or hopping back into it to go back the way you came.

Now that you know what to do, there's only one thing left to say... COWABUNGA!