Pokémon Go adds online leaderboards tomorrow
Easter event begins today, while first PVP event starts tomorrow.
Pokémon Go's latest additions include online leaderboards for the game's Go Battle multiplayer league, and the mode's first creature-focused event.
It comes as the game's big new Easter event also kicks off today, with a smattering of new costumed Pokémon to collect. More on all that below.
Pokémon Go's leaderboards are scheduled to go live alongside its next rotation (to Master League, tomorrow at 9pm UK time). The world's top 500 players, nicknames, teams, ranks, ratings and total matches will be visible.
This data will be available to view on PokemonGOLive.com and refresh during a two-hour window around 9pm UK time daily. Oh, and anyone with "active disciplinary action" or "inappropriate Trainer nicknames" will be excluded. (That latter rule may disqualify a few people I know...)
To celebrate, tomorrow the game will host Go Battle Day: Marill, what looks like the first in a series of events which will offer a specific creature near-exclusively in the mode's PVP encounters. (Guaranteed rank up rewards such as Pikachu Libre will remain.)
Marill will have double catch Stardust tomorrow, and as of today is the latest Pokémon with a Shiny-possible Baby evolution to finally now be Shiny-possible itself.
Pokémon Go's Easter event launched at 8am local time this morning and runs to 10pm local time next Thursday, 16th April.

It features a new spring flower hat costume for Pikachu, plus flower crowns for Buneary and (via 2km eggs) Pichu and Togepi. Other possible 2km hatches include Happiny and Riolu - although we'll wait to see the rates on those before getting too excited.
Exeggcute is now available Shiny, Flower Crown Eevee is back in the wild, and Togepi clothing is available to buy in the shop.
Eggs remain half hatch distance, meaning 2km eggs require just 1km to hatch (maybe possible if you run up and down your garden?), while hatch candy is doubled and lucky eggs will last one hour.
Image credit: Leek.gg.