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Pokémon Go Celebi research quest unlocks next week

Right about time.

Pokémon Go's second Mythical Pokémon, Celebi, will become available through a new Special Research questline starting on 20th August.

Expect tasks to reward XP, items and Pokémon encounters as you work your way to snagging Celebi itself.

Celebi was first released last month for the 21,000 Pokémon Go players who snagged tickets to the game's successful Chicago Go Fest event. Anyone who was there - you can read my experiences right here - will still be able to complete the questline and be awarded with an armful of extra Celebi candy instead.

As the Mythical Pokémon from Gold and Silver's Johto region, Celebi's arrival will come alongside an increase of Johto region Pokémon within the game. There's also a free Celebi shirt for your avatar to wear.

Not yet completed your Mew quest? You'll be able to begin the hunt for Celebi alongside Mew, as long as you have completed the latter's third quest stage.

One interesting note - this means the global challenge unlock after the upcoming Moltres Day is not Celebi, as some had expected, but something else. This summer has seen each of the game's three real-world events (Dortmund, Chicago, and the upcoming Yokosuka, Japan event) reward players with a subsequent event full of raids for Articuno, Zapdos and, soon, Moltres. After these Kanto-themed events, are we getting a Mewtwo Day? With a Shiny Mewtwo? That'd be my bet.

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