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Ninja Theory cut one of Devil May Cry's most sexually suggestive lines for Definitive Edition

"It wasn't a case of censorship..."

DmC Devil May Cry developer Ninja Theory has removed a snippet of sexually suggestive dialogue from the action adventure's Definitive Edition release.

The game's new version, due to go on sale tomorrow for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, boasts 60 frames-per-second gameplay and 1080p resolution.

But Eurogamer spotted a small change to one of the game's cut-scenes.

The scene in question sees demon antagonist Mundus discussing his evil plans with fellow demon and mistress Lilith.

The dialogue is as follows, with the portion in italics missing from the Definitive Edition.

For what it's worth, both the original release and the Definitive Edition of DmC hold a PEGI 16 rating in Europe.

The game pulls no punches in its depictions of sexual content - including a rather uncomfortable sex scene, again with Mundus and Lilith, albeit one that does not include nudity.

In a statement to Eurogamer, Ninja Theory's chief creative director Tameem Antoniades admitted the developer had decided to trim the scene for DmC's new release, but insisted the decision had not been taken with a view to censoring its content.

Instead, the change was due to the pacing of the scene, and the fact that the line was not liked internally.

"We did make an edit to the opening cut-scene," Antoniades explained. "It wasn't a case of censorship as there are far more suggestive scenes in the game. We felt that scene in particular drags on a little bit for the opening sequence and frankly, we didn't like the line.

"Those few seconds were irrelevant to the scene and is covered effectively in a later scene where Mundus is metaphorically shafting world leaders. For the Definitive Edition we took the opportunity to review all aspects of the game, and change things that we didn't like or couldn't add in time. As part of that, we also added a brand new cutscene that didn't make it in time for the original game."

You can watch both versions of the scene below in our DmC comparison video. The dialogue begins at the 1:00 mark.

Watch on YouTube

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