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WOW realm transfer goes live

In a limited way, in the US.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Those of you hoping to transfer your World of Warcraft characters from one server to another are one step closer - and if you're American you're already there!

That's because the US version of the character-transfer system is now semi-live. Providing you've got $25 and you want to move between one of the five servers now compatible, you can do so.

Providing also that you don't want to go from a PvE to a PvP server. That would be SILLY. You're not allowed to do it if you've already sent another character in the past 60 days, too, although quite how you would have...

The five US servers currently supporting character-transfer are Altar of Storms, Argent Dawn, Demon Soul, Illidan and Warsong.

Others are set to follow suit soon, and European players can expect the service to move here in the not too distant future as well.

For more on Blizzard's guidelines for character-transfer, including how much gold you're allowed to take - and what to expect from the forthcoming 1.12 patch - check out our previous coverage.

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