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Ninja Gaiden for Xbox 360?

EB thinks about it and decides not to sell new NG game after all. Unless...

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Image credit: Eurogamer

It's been nearly a year since Team Ninja's Tomonobu Itagaki confirmed that a Ninja Gaiden sequel was in the works. Since then nothing, until now - courtesy of US online retailer EBGames.

If you searched for Ninja Gaiden on the EB site just a day or two ago, you'd have been given the option to pre-order a game called Ninja Gaiden Black. The listing, which has now been removed, gave a release date of "September 2005".

Which is the same month that Xbox 360 looks most likely to launch, interestingly. So forgive us if you think we're being presumptive here, but couldn't this mean that the next Ninja Gaiden title is for a next-generation platform?

Well, we'll just have to wait and see. EB didn't offer any more details, but seeing as the last Ninja Gaiden title was a bit of a killer app for the current Xbox, we're hoping they just might use it to show off Xbox 360 at E3. Keep your katanas crossed...

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