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Alien Hominid coming to Europe

PS2 and Cube soon-to-be cult classic shooter set to make an appearance over here in the near future.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Indie developer the Behemoth has signed its gorgeous hand-drawn 2D shooter Alien Hominid to an as-yet unknown publisher for distribution in Europe, and should be in a position to announce its identity in the near future.

Alien Hominid is a self-funded 2D effort that began life as a web-game, and became an immediate cult favourite when it was released in North American recently through O~3 Entertainment. Both the PS2 and GameCube versions have picked up some very respectable scores.

According to a FAQ document on the Alien Hominid website, Behemoth is currently working on a PAL version, and should make a formal announcement soon. Which gives you a chance to bone up on what makes it interesting on the game's very colourful website.

You can also find a hatful of screenshots here.

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