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FIFA '07 demo on Live

Remember to tip your router.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With the next-generation version of FIFA '07 due to launch on Xbox 360 before the end of the year, Electronic Arts has shoved a demo version up on Xbox Live Marketplace, which ought to give me something to concentrate on while Crouch is busy saving England again tomorrow afternoon.

There's no immediate word on what's in the demo (since it takes my poor little router a good little while to download 827 megabytes), but past EA FIFA demos have thrown up an exhibition match between whichever teams are in vogue at the time. So probably not my beloved Liverpool then.

Anyway, Xbox Live's ever-useful director of programming Major Nelson informs us that the demo is available in all Xbox Live regions, so go and get your fill. Alternatively, how about some predictions for tomorrow? My money's on 2-0. And for some reason I think Scotland are going to beat France.

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