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Next Tomb Raider to debut at E3 2005

Lara prepares to swing back into town.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The next Tomb Raider game will debut at E3 2005, according to publisher Eidos, speaking at last week's Game Stars Live show, although there's no firm word on a release date at the moment - despite recent reports that the publisher was aiming to ship in summer 2005 at around the end of its financial year.

The next Tomb Raider game, still without an official subtitle, is currently in development at US-based Crystal Dynamics, rather than original architects Core Design, although Eidos recently announced that Toby Gard, the series' original character designer, would be returning to the fold to work on the next Tomb Raider following the commercial disappointment of his own title Galleon.

Doubtless more details on Tomb Raider will leak out before next May's Californian trade show, but in the meantime Eidos is keeping schtum about gameplay details. All we know is that CEO Mike McGarvey saw it in March and was "extremely impressed," despite not being in a position "to articulate the creative direction of the franchise". We reckon it probably involves exploration, puzzles and shooting animals.

Whatever - we'll bring you more on Tomb Raider as soon as we hear it.

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