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Chaos Theory's in-game ads

Latest Splinter Cell adventure encourages you to buy AMD and Nokia. Stealthily.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Last week's biggest new release, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, also represented the latest push towards advertising in videogames, with Ubisoft signing up a number of blue-chip companies to flog their wares through the title.

Among the companies whose products and advertising can be found in the game are CPU manufacturer AMD, mobile phone company Nokia, and deodorant brand Axe, whose products are integrated "in a thoughtful and selective way to enhance the realism of the game," according to Ubisoft.

"Axe works with developers to create in-game advertising because it is an extremely effective way to reach the 18-34 year-old male audience," explained Axe senior brand manager David Rubin. "It's just that simple."

"In-game advertising and product integrations bring realism to Ubisoft's games and enhance the overall entertainment experience," according to Ubisoft North America publishing VP Jay Cohen. "One of the major advantages for developers in partnering with consumer brands is that we can achieve this realism while helping advertisers reach their target market."

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