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Infinium's Phantom to be playable at E3

Ghostly apparition scheduled for E3 show floor.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The Phantom broadband game system is set to make its public debut at the E3 trade show in Los Angeles this May, with Infinium Labs confirming that the device will be playable on the company's stand.

Infinium is planning a fairly significant presence at the key event, with an 8,000 square foot stand in the south hall of the Los Angeles convention centre playing host to the first genuinely open demonstration of the Phantom's capabilities.

"Needless to say, we are eagerly awaiting this opportunity to show Phantom Gaming System to the industry," according to Infinium president Kevin Bachus. "We will have a significant presence at E3 that will enable the industry to see, hear, hold and even play the Phantom Gaming System."

So far, Infinium has not provided details of the Phantom's specification, launch plans, price point or design - but the Bachus pledged in an interview with earlier this year that the company will release full information about the console by E3, which takes place in late May.

In the same interview, Bachus said that his current goal was to launch the Phantom in North America in time for Christmas 2004, as he believed that allowing it to slip beyond that date would represent a missed opportunity for Infinium.

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