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New Unreal Tournament 3 patch keeps multiplayer alive

After GameSpy shutdown.

Epic is making a new Unreal Tournament game, but that doesn't mean it's forgot about the last game in the multiplayer shooter series, Unreal Tournament 3.

UT3, released in 2007, had been under threat from the GameSpy server shutdown. But there is a patch available that will allow people to keep playing multiplayer.

The patch is a replacement executable, Epic said on its website, that directs users to a new UT3 master server that is hosted on the Epic Games server back alongside the servers for Unreal Tournament 99 and Unreal Tournament 2004. The patch works with the Steam version of the game.

One downside to the move from GameSpy is currently registered names will be lost, so you'll need to recreate your username on the new master server.

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