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Mysterious magnetic Metroidvania Teslagrad now coming to PS3

UPDATE: Wii U version announced for simultaneous release in Q4.

UPDATE: Teslagrad has just been announced for Wii U as well, according to developer Rain Games. The Wii version is slated to come out at the same time as the PC, Mac, Linux and PS3 versions in Q4 2013.

Original story: Last November I wrote about an intriguing, ambitious adventure/puzzle game entitled Teslagrad. At the time it was expected to come out around January, which never happened, but the good news is it's now set for PS3 in addition to PC and Mac.

Developer Rain Games added that "there are even more versions planned down the road," but neglected to say what these would be. I suspect it's still in talks to sort this out.

While Teslagrad isn't expected to come out until Q4, it's clear that the Norwegian indie studio has been hard at work and the game is shaping up splendidly, as can be seen in the latest trailer.

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The game will transpire across over 100 hand-drawn locales, wherein your avatar, a young boy, is tasked with solving puzzles and unraveling a conspiracy involving a tyranical king.

Teslagrad won't feature any words whatsoever, cutscenes, or loading screens, and the narrative will be told entirely through visual means. Thankfully, the world looks incredible and will be populated by puzzles - often involving magnets - that "range from 'pff, that wasn't so bad' to keyboard-smashing, controller-chewing frustration." Yay!

All this and you don't even have to pledge money to a crowdfunding campaign. But if you do want to lend Teslagrad your support, you could always vote for it on its newly erected Steam Greenlight page.

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