Mortal Kombat X PC patch pulled after it deleted saves
UPDATE: Patch is back, will no longer harm anyone.
UPDATE 06/05/2015 10.57pm: High Voltage have released a fixed version of the Jason patch that won't wipe players' progress, the developer announced in a Steam community update.
Unfortunately, this won't bring back lost progress to the unlucky folks who downloaded the patch before it was fixed. "We are truly sorry if the recent patch did cause you to lose your game save," the developer stated. "Affected players should be hearing from us soon with details on how we are addressing the situation."
The developer added that if players don't hear back by Friday, 8th May, at 12pm EST (8pm UK time), they should submit a customer service help request by heading to the game's support page, and clicking "Ask for Help" then selecting question type "Gameplay Help Request" and choosing "Save Game Issue" under specific question.
"We will make sure that you are helped out if you were impacted by this issue," the Mortal Kombat Team concluded.
ORIGINAL STORY 06/05/2015 11.11am: Mortal Kombat X's latest PC patch has been pulled offline after it was found to have deleted players' save files.

The Conduit developer High Voltage Software, which made the fighter's PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 ports, removed the 15.8GB update file just hours after it was pushed live.
Steam users flooded the game's store page with complaints, while High Voltage has said it is now working on a new version of the patch.
The situation isn't helped by the fact that High Voltage's PC port is widely regarded as the worst version of the game.
Indeed, yesterday's patch was intended to fix all manner of crashes, netcode bugs and, ironically, earlier save deletion issues to bring the PC version up to the same standard as its console brothers.
"Just installed a 15.8GB patch that didn't do much other than DELETE MY DAMN SAVE," one Steam user wrote, who used to have 49.3 hours of gameplay on the clock.
"What the heck I downloaded that 16GB of trash to lost my saves... [sic]" said another.
For its part, High Voltage has issued a number of updates on its progress to fix the issue, although it is yet to confirm lost saves can be recovered.
"We are temporarily removing the patch until we can pinpoint the cause of save data loss," the developer wrote. "We are actively working on this and will keep everyone posted as we work towards a fix.
"We sincerely apologise for this disruption."
A new version of the patch is expected to launch today.
Fans have since set up a petition calling for refunds or compensation.