Mirror's Edge 2 listed on Amazon Italy, Germany
UPDATE: Now spotted on EA's own site.

UPDATE #2: If you were still unconvinced that Mirror's Edge 2 will happen, how about this - EA is now listing the game in the help section of its own site.
Here it is, (as found by NeoGAF). Other URLs (such as one for Mirror's Edge 3) don't work, but this does.
E3 is just a fortnight away.
UPDATE: Mirror's Edge 2 has now popped up on Amazon Italy, too, but this time listed for Xbox One.

It looks like the original page has been pulled, but you can still see it via Google's translated version is still online (thanks, OXM).
The game's placeholder box art uses the official Xbox One game case style revealed by Microsoft last week.
Mirror's Edge 2 was previously spotted at Amazon Germany (a listing which has also now been pulled) for launch on Xbox 360. With the reveal of Xbox One, has the game been outed as a next-gen release?
Microsoft boasted of fifteen platform-exclusives during its Xbox One press conference - this may be one.
ORIGINAL STORY: A listing for the long-rumoured sequel to DICE's first-person parkour adventure Mirror's Edge has appeared on Amazon Germany.
According to the listing, Mirror's Edge 2 is coming to Xbox 360 for €99.99.
That seems awful spendy, suggesting that this is just an estimated price. One wonders if this is really for the Xbox 360 then, if it does indeed exist.
We've reached out to publisher EA for comment, and will update if we find out anything.
Last we checked, ngmoco Sweden and former executive producer of the Battlefield franchise, Ben Cousins said, "It is general knowledge in the Stockholm dev scene that Mirror's Edge 2 is in production at DICE."