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Metro: Last Light sold more units in one week worldwide than its predecessor did in three months

In the US it sold more retail copies over launch week than Metro: 2033 ever did.

Last we checked, Metro: Last Light topped the UK charts, but it was a hollow victory as its UK retail sales didn't even match those of its much less publicised predecessor. That only tells a small part of the story, however, as both digital and US retail sales were significantly higher.

How much higher, you ask? Publisher Deep Silver didn't list exact figures, but noted that across all formats worldwide, Last Light sold more units in one week than Metro 2033 did in three months.

Additionally, in the US Last Light sold more retail copies in one week than Metro 2033 has in its over three year lifetime. Of course, Last Light was also released on PS3, whereas the first game was only available on Xbox 360 and PC.

Looking at the PC version, its opening week sales tripled those of Metro 2033's same week period worldwide.

While the European retail competition hasn't been especially stiff at the moment, Metro: Last Light has remained on top for four weeks in a row in the UK as well as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France.

Our Rich Stanton dug 4A Games' post-apocalyptic tunnels, though he found that it derailed some of what made Metro 2033 so special. For more on that, check out his Metro: Last Light review.

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