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Mesmerising mop-'em-up Viscera Cleanup Detail just got some new spy-themed DLC

Laser sharks included.

Developer RuneStorm's wonderfully hypnotic, and extremely hygienic, Viscera Cleanup Detail has just received a new secret-agent-themed DLC expansion. It's called The Vulcan Affair and is available now on Steam.

Viscera Cleanup Detail, for those unfamiliar with its amusingly mundane ways, takes the space corridors and military facilities of countless first-person shooters and presents them from the perspective of the clean-up crews called in once the bullets have stopped flying and the entrails have stopped dribbling dejectedly down the walls.

Players are cast as futuristic space janitors and charged with picking up debris, scrubbing away filth, sealing bullet holes, and incinerating rubbish (while trying not to accidentally tread blood everywhere) until the often gargantuan levels are spotless.

It is, as you might imagine, desperately monotonous work. BUT! There's also something utterly mesmerising about the repetition and routine of it all, and it's a great exercise in co-ordination and teamwork when you're playing in the weirdly compelling online co-op mode.

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Viscera Cleanup Detail's base game, which launched back in 2015, already includes a hefty number of levels to mop over to your heart's content, and the new Vulcan Affair DLC adds another, setting players loose in the sprawling underground lair of the nefarious Dr. Hades - which does, as you'd hope, feature laser sharks and other assorted super-villain paraphernalia.

The DLC, which costs a mere £2.09 on Steam, also promises eight new songs, ten new achievements, a selection of new mechanics and oddities, plus "a satisfying feeling".

And that's not all! Viscera Cleanup Detail's Vulcan Affair DLC arrives alongside a free update to the base game, introducing three new levels - and fixes - for all existing players. There's Core Sample (an experimental energy and research company), the Penumbra storage facility, and a backwater prison colony known as Pestilent Penitentiary. Best get scrubbing!

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