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Former Xbox console exclusive Max: The Curse of Brotherhood headed to PS4

No more sibling rivalry.

Enchanting puzzle-platformer Max: The Curse of Brotherhood - formerly an Xbox console exclusive - is coming to PlayStation 4 this autumn.

Publisher Wired Productions and Danish developer Flashbulb Games revealed the news with an announcement trailer, which you can watch below.

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Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is the sequel to Max and the Magic Marker and sees protagonist Max in yet another pickle. This time, Max becomes so frustrated by his little brother Felix that he looks online for a spell to make him disappear. When Max reads the spell out loud, he summons a mysterious portal from which a large claw appears and snatches little Felix. Realising what he's done, Max sets off on a quest to get his annoying little brother back while exploring a challenging, puzzle riddled world and fighting his way past strange enemies.

The title was previously an Xbox 360 and Xbox One console exclusive, originally released in 2013 and developed by Microsoft-owned Press Play. However Microsoft shut the studio down last year alongside Fable Studio Lionhead and sold it off, with Flashbulb Games being born from its ashes.

Be careful what you wish for.

In his Max: The Curse of Brotherhood review, Eurogamer's Simon Parkin called the game "a somewhat short, enjoyable and inoffensive game that delivers on the potential of its mechanical promise, if not its narrative premise".

There is no confirmed date for the PS4 launch but you can play Max: The Curse of Brotherhood on PS4 for the first time at EGX.

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