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Mass Effect Trilogy Edition won't have a FemShep cover

EA has "something special planned for FemShep" instead.

The recently announced Mass Effect Trilogy Edition won't contain an optional female Shepard cover, EA has revealed to Kotaku.

This is in spite of this year's Mass Effect 3 containing a reversible cover that places a female version of the galactic savior - played by ubiquitous voice actress Jennifer Hale - on the other side.

We've pressed EA for comment on exactly why this is and we'll update as we hear back.

The official Mass Effect twitter did respond to the backlash and ensured that it had "a little something special planned for FemShep coming."

It then added, "Not with the cover art. We're doing something separate."

The Mass Effect Trilogy Edition will launch in North America on 7th November - so presumably the following Friday, 9th November in the UK - on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. This makes it the first time the original Mass Effect will appear on Sony's console.

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