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Lionhead has three more Fables planned

Plus, "I really should do a sports game."

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Lionhead already has plans for three more Fable games, according to Peter Molyneux.

"We've got plans for Fables 3, 4 and 5 actually," Molyneux told GameTrailers during E3 (thanks vg247).

"It's a big story arc and you can see that - if you play Fable 2 you'll recognise things from Fable 1."

Molyneux also admitted that while Fable 2 is "finished", as he announced during Microsoft's E3 press conference, the team is still squashing bugs.

"When I left the office, we had fixed 45,000 bugs," he said at E3. "We've still got 2,000 bugs yet to finish, but hopefully when I go back it will be 1,750 and next week it will be 1,500."

As for Lionhead's other project, Molyneux managed to bite his tongue. "I can't say anything about it at all," he explained, although he did reiterate that it's "kind of a result of an experiment that went incredibly well".

Looking to the future, the veteran designer mused on other genres he might like to get into. The important thing is to be challenged, he said.

"One day I really should do a sports game, just because it really seems such a genre which is just locked in stone.

"We know how we do sports games. That is a real challenge to me. Same with things like driving games. What I want is for a game I do next is a really big challenge."

To see how he's done with his current challenge, check out our extensive Fable 2 E3 hands-on report and recent interview where Molyneux also hinted that MMOs are very much in his thoughts.

Fable 2 is due out exclusively for Xbox 360 in October.

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