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Assassin's Creed: Rising Phoenix is a PlayStation Vita game, another leak suggests

Possible screenshot revealed.

Previously-leaked Assassin's Creed thing Rising Phoenix appears to be a PlayStation Vita game.

That's according to a product listing and preliminary box art listing spotted on Spanish retailer

Eurogamer asked publisher Ubisoft whether the listing was real. We were told "no comment", and the product was then swiftly removed.

Rising Phoenix was listed for launch on 10th October - three weeks before upcoming console title Assassin's Creed 4: Blag Flag.

The game's existence first leaked last Friday when a piece of internal artwork appeared online. Seven days later and AGB has another, shown below.

We can make out figures in trademark white hoodies, adorned with the logo of modern day bad-guys Abstergo Industries. Last week's leak appeared to feature Abstergo's rival, the Erudito Collective.

The new image appears to be an in-game screenshot, with a graphical quality and aspect ratio similar to that of Vita games.

Again, the image is labelled "Ubisoft Digital Arts: Internal Use Only. Do not duplicate or distribute."

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