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LBP 1.02 patch sorts out dodgy song

Religious intolerance defeated!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's patch city and LittleBigPlanet's the mayor! After this morning's news of a 1.01 patch, heroic reader Luke informs us that 1.02 is now available.

This one does neuter Tourmani Diabaté's song "Tapha Niang", silencing the two lyrics borrowed from the Qur'an, putting the game into the state it will presumably be when you all get hold of it in two weeks' time. In actual fact, it removes the entire vocal track, leaving a pleasant instrumental.

There's no word on what else the patch does, but then you won't notice, since the game isn't out yet. Unless you're in the secret club, obviously, in which case you can join us sulking about how the game servers aren't online yet.

Check out our LittleBigPlanet review to keep your eyes on the prize.

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