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ThatGameCompany's masterly Journey is out next week on PC

Mountain excitement.

Journey, developer ThatGameCompany's seminal desert meanderer, is, after seven years of PlayStation exclusivity, out next week on PC, arriving on 6th June.

For those unfamiliar (boy, do you have a treat in store), Journey charts the unwavering march of a nameless, red-scarfed protagonist on pilgrimage across the desert toward a distant mountain, forever visible on the horizon. What follows is something akin to a puzzle platformer, but that's underselling it considerably.

Unfortunately, as scant as that description is, it's hard to reveal too much more without robbing the experience of some of its power; suffice to say, it's a masterful example of atmospherics and mechanics operating in full service of story - and the combined force of Journey's assured design and stunning audio-visual presentation is never less than breathtaking.

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Journey's PC release will support 4K resolutions, and the game's memorably discreet online functionality remains intact. It'll cost £11.49/$14.99 USD, but your buying options are limited. Publisher Annapurna Interactive has made the decision to restrict sales to the Epic Games Store.

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