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Joe Danger 2's Undead Movie Pack DLC is out now

Adds 15 new stages and six characters.

Stylish stuntman platformer Joe Danger 2 has launched its Halloween-themed DLC this week with the Undead Movie Pack, out now on XBLA, PS3 and PC.

I am the Danger. I am the one who flips.

The add-on features 15 new stages and six new characters such as: a zombie, vampire hunter, pumpkin head, skeletal biker, adorable Werebear, and the wonderfully named Chimpanzombie.

The Undead Movie Pack is usually priced at £3.99 / $4.99, though it's 20 per cent off through Halloween.

Additionally, Joe Danger, its sequel, and the bundle (both games plus a few bonus extras) are 75 per cent off on PC. This makes the first two games £2.49 / $3.75 each, or you can buy the bundle for £4.24 / $6.25.

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