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Iain Duncan Smith has a go at games

Singles out that pesky Grand Theft Auto.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith has claimed videogames are messing up the kids with their crazy violent ways.

"We are driving children to lose their childhood," he told The Times. "Some videogames are incredibly violent, like Grand Theft Auto."

But what about the ratings system, the one designed to prevent kids from playing games with dodgier content? "They are meant to be 18 but nobody cares what it says on the label." Oh.

According to Duncan Smith, it's not just games which are responsible for Britain's decline - boozing is to blame too. "Alcohol is every bit as dangerous as illegal drugs," he said. "You can argue that it’s more dangerous than heroin because it’s easier to get."

So just say no, kids, whether it's heroin, Sailor Jerry's or the Ballad of Gay Tony.

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