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Horrifying Catdog-like wrestling game Push Me, Pull You reveals gameplay

"Prove that a good friendship can overcome anything."

In April I wrote about Push Me, Pull You, a bizarre, horrifying co-op wrestling game about conjoined worm-people competing with one another to keep a ball in their court. Now, developer House House has released some alpha footage depicting an entire round of the nightmare fuel.

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As you can see, the four-player game is based around competitive multiplayer in which two teams each occupy the body of one creature. One person controls the head and arms, while the other controls the... other head and arms at their rear. Just go with it.

Every "sportsmonster" can expand and retract, but the longer you are, the less force you exert upon the ball. So you'll have to decide as a team, on the fly, between focusing on length or girth.

"Love each other, work together, communicate and coordinate, and prove that a good friendship can overcome anything (unless you find yourself up against an even better friendship!)", said the Melbourne-based developer. "PMPY combines the best parts of 2v2 local multiplayer with the worst parts of your last breakup."

Push Me, Pull You is due in late 2014 on PC, Mac and Linux.

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