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Here's a look at Overwatch's new Winter Wonderland event skins

Loot suits.

Overwatch's Winter Wonderland event has begun and with comes the usual excitement of festively flavoured legendary skins, all of which have now been revealed by Blizzard.

Winter Wonderland 2017 brings seven new legendary skins in total, this time for Bastion, Ana, Hanzo, Junkrat, Roadhog, Sombra, and Solider 76. As you'd perhaps expect, given the season, the overarching theme is pretty much "blue".

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The new skins are joined by 12 favourites from last year's Winter Wonderland event. These veer closer to the more traditionally festive, featuring the likes of Scrooge McCree, Nutcracker Zenyatta, Yeti Winston, and Santaclad Torbjörn. All in all, significantly less blue. Incidentally, Blizzard says that all returning winter gear is available at a reduced credit cost.

Alongside its Christmassy cornucopia of new skins, emotes, highlights, player icons, sprays, and voice lines, Overwatch's Winter Wonderland event brings festive map makeovers for King's Row, Hanamura, and, for the first time, the Black Forest. The latter provides the snow-dappled setting for Yeti Hunter, Overwatch's new limited-time brawl mode.

To save your finger from an additional click, I've plopped a complete gallery of this year's seasonal Winter Wonderland skins below. Let's do the new ones first, eh?

Casual Hanzo
Snow Owl Ana
Beachrat Junkrat
Rime Sombra
Ice Fisherman Roadhog
Alpine: 76 Soldier 76
Avalanche Bastion

And now for the returning favourites:

Nutcracker Zenyatta
Yeti Winston
Santaclad Torbjörn
Jingle Tracer
Andes Lucio
Peppermint Sombra
Mei-rry Mei
Frosted Zarya
Frostbite Pharah
Rudolph Roadhog
Shiver Reaper
Scrooge McCree

Overwatch's latest festivities will run until January 1st and you can find full details, including additional cosmetic items, over on the official Winter Wonderland event page.

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