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Here's a brand new legendary card from Hearthstone's next expansion

Keeper Stallardris.

Rise of Shadows, Hearthstone's next expansion, is set to launch on 9th April - but we can show off one of its brand new legendary cards on Eurogamer today.

Keeper Stalladris is a legendary Druid minion which boosts the value of your Choose One cards, by adding copies of both choices to your hand.

A ripped purple centaur with a six-pack, Stalladris combos especially well with low-cost Choose One cards - since you can then play the newly-generated choice cards within the same turn.

To support Stalladris' release, Blizzard has also gone back and added new art to older Choose One cards, as both choices sometimes used the same design. Snazz!

Click to embiggen.

Stalladris is similar to Fandal Staghelm, then, although with slightly weaker stats. You'll want to buff these up using choice cards to ensure the Keeper's survival.

Comboing Stalladris with Power of the Wild would make for a strong play which buffs your existing minions while boosting their ranks. Or, more aggressively, Wrath allows you to do plenty of damage while also building up card advantage.

Here's footage of a few combos in action:

Watch on YouTube

Blizzard has also been kind enough to provide us with a clean image of the artwork, below, for your desktop wallpaper pleasure.

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