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Hearthstone survey hints at potential new features

Raids! More emotes! New battle boards!

At BlizzCon this month Blizzard ran through a number of changes and additions it will make to its in-beta free to play collectible card game Hearthstone.

Now, a new online survey has hinted at further possible additions.

In among questions about which features you like most and which games you play were two questions that caught our eye.

The first, "What new features would you be excited about Blizzard adding to Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft?", suggested raids, which would allow for cooperative play versus a single, powerful boss, and paid tournaments could be added to the game.

These were the options:

  • Friends list tie-in with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Kakao Chat, etc.)
  • Set up multiple profiles within one Hearthstone account
  • Raids (cooperative play vs. a single, powerful boss)
  • More in-depth display of achievements and statistics
  • Recorded replay of your last match
  • Chat channels beyond the emotes
  • Paid tournaments
  • "Observer" mode, allowing you to view live battles
  • Additional, in-depth tutorials
  • The ability to reorder cards in your hand
  • Ability to replay the tutorial
  • A "play again" option after a battle has concluded

The second question that caught our eye was about potential new premium features: "How interested would you be in the following paid content additions to Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft?"

Answers included a new art class for each hero and new card sets.

  • New art for each hero class
  • Additional deck slots
  • New card sets
  • New card back artwork
  • Additional in-game emotes
  • New themed battle boards

At BlizzCon Blizzard announced Hearthstone would enter open beta in December 2013, and would be release for iPhone and Android as well as on tablets.

Balance changes are expected in an upcoming patch, and ranked play will be reworked. Blizzard will add golden heroes and golden hero powers, and, as expected, there will be expansions of some sort.

Meanwhile, adventures are planned, where you fight against bosses to earn new cards.

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