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Hearthstone pre-release patch hints at Molten Core expansion

By fire be purged!

The next Adventure for Hearthstone may be themed around World of Warcraft's Molten Core raid, according to information datamined from a patch on Blizzard's servers (thanks, Hearthpwn via MetaBomb).

The patch details three new cosmetic card backs for the game, although no card images are present in the files.

The most interesting of the three is called Molten Core, tagged as a reward for a license detection, and carrying a further note that it relates to the "purchase brm presale". BRM is likely an abbreviation for Blackrock Mountain, the WOW region where the Molten Core raid is set.

Ragnaros working as intended.Watch on YouTube

Next up on the list of card backs is Ragnaros. This final boss of WOW's Molten Core is already represented in Hearthstone as a powerful Legendary card, and so is likely to be the theme of a decorative card back reward for participating in an upcoming monthly Ranked play season.

Finally, there's Golden Celebration, again triggered by detection of a license, and described as a "golden celebration cardback". We speculate that this could be rewarded for creating a deck consisting entirely of expensive Golden cards, or a reward for achieving 500 wins with one or more Heroes in Ranked play mode.

Blizzard will host a panel at PAX East this year, where the game directors for Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch will outline the developer's plans for each game in 2015. The panel takes place at 15.30 GMT on Friday 6th March.

To stay on top of all the latest Hearthstone developments, take a look through our dedicated Hearthstone site MetaBomb.

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