Hearthstone is coming to Android tablets before end of year
Smartphone versions in 2015.
Hearthstone is on track to come to Android tablets by the end of the year, Blizzard has announced.

"We're taking things one step at a time and we've got our sights set on a release for Android tablets, our next new platform, before the end of the year," the developer noted on its Battle.net blog. "We've just got a few more mana crystals to polish and some Angry Chickens to chase down."
In less fortunate news, Blizzard said that the smartphone versions of Hearthstone won't be ready until next year. "We're also close to having Hearthstone out to our iPhone and Android phone users, but it's become clear that we need a little more time to get that version right," the developer explained. "While we have a build up and running internally, it needs a bit more work, and we don't feel like we'll be ready to share it with you until early next year."
"It's very important to us that the phone experience for Hearthstone is just as accessible as the tablet and PC versions. One of the biggest challenges with that is revamping the user interface so it feels intuitive and offers the same quality Hearthstone experience, but this time from the palm of your hand."
"Releasing Hearthstone on iPhone and Android phones is something we're incredibly excited about, but ultimately we'd rather take the extra time to make Hearthstone's user interface on the phone customised to feel great for the platform, rather than a port that doesn't taken into account the limitations of a smaller screen."
Hearthstone has been downloaded more than 20 million times. Here's an infographic on some other neat factoids about the game, such as which neutral cards are most frequently played.