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Halo: CE Anniversary supports Kinect

But how will it work?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The Halo HD remake supports Kinect, Microsoft has confirmed.

Microsoft Game Studios boss Phil Spencer confirmed Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary will support Kinect in a GameSpot interview.

"Core focus for us in our press briefing this year with Kinect actually came from two sides," he said.

"As a first-party, we believe Kinect will be important to all genres of games, be it racing games with Forza, combat games like Ryse, even games like Halo Anniversary has Kinect integration."

But there's no word on how it will work.

Microsoft focused on Kinect during its E3 press conference, announcing a raft of new games.

Fable: The Journey, Ryse and Minecraft are just three of the games that support Kinect. Now Halo: CE Anniversary joins the list.

Due out on 15th November, 343 Industries' game lets you play through the original Halo: Combat Evolved either in its original Xbox state or with new current-gen visuals.

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