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Grateful dad attempts 24-hour solo SingStar record

As thanks to Great Ormond Street for helping his daughter.

A grateful father is attempting a 24-hour non-stop solo SingStar marathon this April to raise cash for the hospital that helped save his infant daughter.

29-year-old Norwich man Julian Hill is submitting himself to the ordeal as a 'thank you' to London's Great Ormond Street children's hospital, who last year successfully treated his seriously ill one-year-old, Amelia.

Born with a congenital heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot, which reduces the organ's ability to circulate oxygenated blood, she urgently needed an operation to save her life.

Great Ormond Street duly stepped up, and following grueling open-heart surgery she's now back at home and thriving.

Hill's world record attempt takes place in the Ambassador's Bloomsbury Hotel in London on 13th April. He's managed to recruit Sony to his cause, with the SingStar publisher providing all the equipment he needs.

His strategy for staying awake seems simple enough: "match sticks in the eye lids and a lot of coffee," he told Eurogamer.

"But being the father of a nearly two year old girl, I'm not exactly a stranger to sleep deprivation. Hopefully if enough people come along and cheer me on then their support will keep me going!"

All are welcome to stop by and shout some requests (in exchange for a donation, naturally) should they happen to be in the area.

"Who doesn't want to hear 'Mysterious Girl' or 'I Am The One and Only' by a 30-year-old sleep-deprived and completely sober man?" added Hill. Indeed.

He's also accepting donations via his Just Giving page. Good luck chap - it's a worthy cause.

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