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Gears reveal "not what you're expecting"

New gameplay set for Video Game Awards.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Epic Games poster boy Cliffy B has promised Gears of War fans an unexpected Gears of War reveal at the Spike Video Game Awards next month.

"We'll be showing off some new Gears of War gameplay. It's going to be awesome. You're going to love it. It's not what you're expecting," says the design director in a new video.

The announcement will have "everyone talking," apparently.

The word on the street is the announcement relates to a Kinect-enabled Gears of War game.

Cliffy B has refuted the suggestion Gears of War 3, due out next year, will incorporate Microsoft's motion-sensing add-on, leading current speculation to point towards a spin-off or Kinect controls for Gears of War 2.

The VGAs are set for 11th December. Not long now.

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