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GAME in trouble as doubt cast on ability to stock new games

UPDATE: GAME responds, guarantees Vita launch.

UPDATE 3: GAME removed Metal Gear Solid HD Collection from its website "as we reached out [sic] pre-order allocation," the shop said. "Your order is safe and should be shipped today."

UPDATE 2: Eurogamer has this morning talked with GAME about its current credit insurance and stock difficulties.

A GAME spokesperson guaranteed the launch of Sony portable console Vita in its shops.

"The games coming out this weekend, Final Fantasy, SoulCalibur 5 and Metal Gear Solid, are moving through our system as we speak," we were told. "They're all booked in for launch on Friday in our stores and that's exactly what we'll be doing.

"In terms of things further out like Vita, as you'd expect we're working closely with our industry partners and have got big plans for those launches."

On Vita specifically: "There are pre-order campaigns in store. We're very excited about it. Yes [we can guarantee Vita will launch in GAME]. We have big launch plans for Vita."

On the loss of credit insurance with agencies, GAME said: "You work with each supplier to come up with an answer and that's what we're doing."

GAME is investigating the removal of Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection from its website and reports that pre-orders for Mass Effect 3 are being turned away.

Konami, which publishes Metal Gear and NeverDead, declined to comment when contacted by Eurogamer.

UPDATE 1: Eurogamer readers have reported that GAME is not selling Metal Gear Solid HD on its website, and that the shop has been turning away Mass Effect 3 pre-orders.

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is currently not listed on GAME's website.

ORIGINAL STORY: UK shop GAME appears to be in trouble after doubt was cast on its ability to buy new games.

Eurogamer has heard from multiple UK industry sources that the specialist video game retailer has lost credit insurance with a number of agencies.

This means that publishers are now forced to take the risk on games that do not sell - something they do not wish to do.

GAME is now being asked to pay for new stock with cash. If GAME doesn't have the cash, it could result in the shop being unable to stock new games.

Eurogamer was told by one UK publishing source: "The trouble they [GAME] are in is with all publishers and not just a select few and it's not a case of publishers not supplying them with stock, without insurance they would have to pay for stock up front which is proving difficult for them."

This week sees the launch of Final Fantasy 13-2, SoulCalibur 5, NeverDead and Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. Eurogamer understands GAME will stock these games on Friday.

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