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Four minutes of Resogun dev's new PS4 game Nex Machina

Earmarque it.

We've capture four minutes of furious firing from Resogun dev Housemarque's new game, Nex Machina.

Watch as we clumsily blast our way around the top-down twin-stick shooter, faring rather badly against the trampling horde of enemies chasing us.

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Nex Machina was announced at PlayStation Experience this past weekend. It's a collaboration with Eugene Jarvis, whose Defender and Robotron: 2084 arcade games helped birth this entire industry. No pressure.

Housemarque's Resogun was a standout PlayStation 4 launch title in 2013, much in the same way Super Stardust HD was for PlayStation 3 in 2007. In other words: Housemarque delivers the goods.

Nex Machina is due out on PS4 next year.

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