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First Kirby for Nintendo 3DS this week

Dream Land for 3DS Virtual Console.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo will re-release original Kirby adventure Kirby's Dream Land on the 3DS this week.

The Game Boy title introduced gamers to the pink puffball way back in the monochrome days of 1992.

It's also the first appearance of series antagonist King Dedede. The game lays out the franchise's fundamental features, including Kirby's inhale attack and platforming style.

Kirby's 'copy' ability doesn't feature however. It turned up a year later in 1993's Kirby's Adventure on NES.

Available this Thursday for €4 (about £3.50), Kirby headlines an otherwise meagre list of downloadable morsels:

  • Kirby's Dream Land - 3DS Virtual Console - €4
  • A Fairy Tale - 3DS/DSi Ware - €/200 DSi Points
  • Successfully Learning German: Year 3 - 3DS/DSi Ware/WiiWare - €5, 500 DSi Points, 500 Wii Points

Need a free Kirby fix now? Nintendo launched the Kirby TV Channel for Wii last week, which streams episodes of the Kirby anime.

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