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First Gears of War 3 details emerge?

Underwater levels! Mech suits! Explosives!

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The game may not have been officially announced yet, but the first details of Gears of War 3 appeared to have popped up on the internet.

Edge Online quotes a "US publishing source" as saying the cover system is getting an overhaul for the third instalment. Expect to face new enemies with tentacles which can reach you even when taking cover.

Good job you'll have explosives which can be sent underground to attack enemy cover spots, then. Mech suits which provide serious protection and increased firepower are also promised. Word is all these elements will feature in both single-player and multiplayer modes.

The game's storyline will take place during the summer. There will be new locations to explore, including underwater environments.

Here's hoping for more news on Monday, when Epic's Cliff Bleszinski will reveal what could very well turn out to be Gears of War 3.

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