Skip to main content Podcast #102: Vita Launch Special

Plus: Mass Effect 3 day-one DLC outrage, various bad jokes.

PlayStation Vita launched in Europe last week. You probably noticed. Now, after a few days soaking up sales, we can report what we had always hoped: not only is Vita the handheld gamers deserve, but it is the one we need right now. In your face, Batman!

UK hardware sales figures are Chart Track's proprietary information, unfortunately, so until Sony talks about them publicly we can't say how many it sold in week one, but we can say it was healthier than some critics predicted, and the sight of two Vita games - Uncharted: Golden Abyss and FIFA Football - atop the UK charts is illustrative of lots of interest. Not only that, but Chart Track doesn't account for digital sales, and this is a fully digital console, so they are potentially a lot greater.

The Vita launch, our impressions of the European software line-up and general feeling about its prospects understandably form the backdrop to this week's 102nd-ever Podcast, "starring" host Tom Champion, myself and Oli Welsh.

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In classic parcast fashion, however, we do not limit our conversation to one topic alone. We also discuss the recent SSX demo (for all of about eight seconds) and the furore surrounding EA and BioWare's decision to sell day-one DLC for Mass Effect 3 that has significant narrative content. Obviously it's unbelievable that they would do this when people are so willing to give them the money they seek in return for the hated goods in question.

So there's that. We also talk about some other stuff including but not limited to: what Michael Jackson's been up to lately, Champ's Luton Town odyssey in Football Manager, and various maladies that presently afflict our ageing husks. And you can enjoy all of this on video too. Aren't you the lucky ones?

Background reading!

The Podcast "goes out" every Tuesday at 5pm UK time. That's also when it's published.

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