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EA Play 2017 live report

Footballs, Star Wars, Battlefields and more! Join us from 8pm BST for all the action.

It's the annual Electronic Entertainment Exposition in Los Angeles next week, and EA's kicking it off by throwing a party all of its own in Hollywood for its EA Play event. We'll get a proper look at Star Wars Battlefront 2, some more on FIFA 18 and if we're lucky a handful of surprises too. Join us here from 8pm BST.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

A jetlagged good morning from sunny LA - well, it's forecast to be sunny once the sun properly comes up.

Tom Phillips

spliffhead: Looking forward to Andromeda 2 ;)


Tom Phillips

EA isn't due to show off its Battlefront 2 gameplay for a few hours yet, though you can watch a good chunk of it right now, thanks to this leak showing off Darth Maul and Rey fighting on Naboo

Tom Phillips

Tom Phillips

Hoping to see more of this today - the game being worked on by the team behind indie hit Brothers. EA snapped the game up last December.

Tom Phillips

I spy with my little eye what could be the EA E3 conference running order. BioWare's Project Dylan is on the list.

Robert Purchese

Gooooooood eveeeennning! So far today I've stormed out of a PES tournament and spent most of the afternoon in a brewery, so I'm well pumped for an EA conference!

Martin Robinson

While Bertie's in Brighton and Tom P is in Los Angeles, I'm in sunny Lewisham where I'm watching with my girlfriend as we eat some chips.

Martin Robinson

'What game is this we're watching' she asks.

Martin Robinson

She is also new to Twitch chat, which we've got streaming onto our TV at the moment. 'Why did he just say that? Why did he scream that into the void?'

Martin Robinson

As an aside, these chips are pretty mint.

Martin Robinson

This sausage ain't bad either.

Martin Robinson

The meat content is super low, but I think it's mostly fox so you'd be okay?

Martin Robinson

I think he got slightly riled by our live chat at Gamescom last year. WHERE ARE YOU NOW PETER. Oh yeah, he's got his dream job at Anfield. I will miss that lovely man and his warm-up routine before big events.

Martin Robinson

We have sound and we have vision.

Martin Robinson

We don't have any chips any more though, because I was fairly ravenous after a few pints.

Martin Robinson

Lovely seating arrangement they've got going there, a really neat fan or white chairs.

Martin Robinson

Really into that vibe, there's real synergy with the stage itself. They've thought this one through.

Martin Robinson

Never forget.

Martin Robinson

15 minutes people!

Martin Robinson

I've got three beers in the fridge, though I'm worried it might be dangerous to get involved too soon. Who's drinking what for tonight's show?

Martin Robinson

Tom Phillips has just taken his seat in the venue. Don't think he's braved that delicious semi-circle though.

Martin Robinson

You're playing with fire there.

Martin Robinson

That's a Tom's Eye View.

Robert Purchese

What I want to know is if everyone's baked at this year's event like they were last year. Maybe they've moved on to harder drugs though and it'll just be bagloads of ket at the back before everyone gets involved in Battlefront 2.

Martin Robinson

If you're a wanker god knows what I am. Have got some tiny tinnies of la-di-da IPA from our Co-Op.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Chris and Aoife there, having a lovely time with a robot.

Martin Robinson

'Electronic Arts? What do they make? Do they make Final Fantasy?' No. 'Oh'. Needless to say, my partner's delighted I've hijacked the living room TV for this.

Martin Robinson

Tom and I are sat near the front for EA's E3 2017 media briefing. Some dude is on stage to welcome us to EA Play.

Wesley Yin-Poole

They're calling this the "Creators Cave" and there's 300 YouTube content creators here.

Tom Phillips

I'm looking forward to seeing Bioware's Project Dylan most of all, as a big Destiny fan. They're in a really interesting place at the moment so pressure's on.

Wesley Yin-Poole

We're being told not to try and get in the Need for Speed cars parked outside.

Tom Phillips

Outside this big room is a mini village where people can play various games, including FIFA 18, Need for Speed and Star Wars Battlefront 2. I haven't seen FIFA 18 on Nintendo Switch anywhere yet though, which is a shame.

Wesley Yin-Poole

So, what are we expecting from this? Well, FIFA 18, Need for Speed and Battlefront 2 are a given. Beyond that? Dylan, BioWare's next big project, is due a reveal, and... Oh, you could just read the leaked schedule that was posted here earlier.

Martin Robinson

"Or a security guard will punch you in the face."

Tom Phillips

Dude on stage wants the crowd to bring the energy. Not sure I heard many Brits cheering.

Wesley Yin-Poole


Martin Robinson

Hooooooo boy we're straight off the bat with some M rated goodness. Let's have some swearing please!

Martin Robinson

Well right off the bat this is incredibly loud. RIP my ears.

Wesley Yin-Poole

A parade of drums. Did I mention my ears are still funny from the plane.

Tom Phillips

Madden drum band to kick things off. They're quite good!

Wesley Yin-Poole

There's a drum line! Apparently the movie Drum Line is also good?

Martin Robinson

Ah it looks like this year's Madden has a story mode, like FIFA does.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh man was that Mahershala Ali?

Martin Robinson

Andrew Wilson in a tucked shirt - just to get in there before Martin.

Tom Phillips

Andrew Wilson is so well turned out. He's very handsome, isn't he?

Wesley Yin-Poole

Jeans and jacket.

Tom Phillips

All brought to you by Frostbite.

Tom Phillips

Classic jeans, shirt no tie and blazer get-up. Andrew Wilson, approachable businessman.

Wesley Yin-Poole

'They're here to tell us what they like, and especially what they don't.'. I think that was a joke? I'm also pretty sure it didn't land.

Martin Robinson

He just explained his own joke then licked his lips like a bad lizard.

Martin Robinson

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the headline - and you can watch a lot of leaked gameplay already on YouTube dot com

Tom Phillips

30 minutes of Star Wars Battlefront 2 gameplay coming up. Hasn't that leaked already?

Wesley Yin-Poole

I'm not quite sure this isn't a lizard with a business degree. And a well-fitted suit, mind.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's a man in a cave.

Martin Robinson

Take a shot every time you hear "Creator Cave" then punch yourself in the face.

Tom Phillips

A brutal drinking game would be to do a shot every time someone says "content". Wouldn't last long, mind.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Wes, I'm rising to that.

Martin Robinson

To be honest I'm sitting here with a big thirst on waiting for someone to say content. Get to it boys, this beer's getting warm.

Martin Robinson

Also hey Battlefield 1 is getting its new DLC soon.

Martin Robinson

Does it count if I say it? Content.

Tom Phillips

Wes, is it okay if I drink when they say 'experiences' too? Otherwise I'm never getting through this beer.

Martin Robinson

No Martin. Content, as you know, is king.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Well screw you I'm drinking this anyway.

Martin Robinson

It's the tall handsome man!

Martin Robinson

Patrick Soderlund is on stage wearing a loose jumper and casual trousers. He's very tall and Swedish.

Wesley Yin-Poole

And handsome. Don't forget that.

Martin Robinson

On it.

Martin Robinson

I'm not sure the FUT pro is a "worldwide star", Patrick. Bit of a stretch there mate.

Wesley Yin-Poole


Martin Robinson

Can I drink when they say that?

Martin Robinson

I think I need to as otherwise I'm going to dash my head against the coffee table.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Futting hell make it stop.

Martin Robinson

So, FIFA 18. I played it recently and you can read my impressions on Eurogamer dot net in 45 minutes.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Soccer time now.

Martin Robinson

PES is better, obviously, but you probably know that already.

Martin Robinson

Men in Blazers, by the way, is a popular podcast apparently.

Martin Robinson

Me neither.

Martin Robinson

Two Brits on stage here with some Brit banter. I don't get the sense from the crowd that this is being understood.

Wesley Yin-Poole

It's an American thing, apparently.

Martin Robinson

FIFA standup. I may leave.

Tom Phillips

Too true.

Martin Robinson

Shoutout to Peter Moore who is now at Liverpool FC. Never forget.

Wesley Yin-Poole

I can't bear this.

Martin Robinson

They're doing a joke about England being shit. On a stage in Los Angeles.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Any nipple would be sweet relief right now.

Martin Robinson

Spoilers from the autocue, next up is Need for Speed and it'll be played by a YouTuber.

Tom Phillips

All this to say there's more The Journey coming in FIFA 18.

Martin Robinson

Hot scoop for you there.

Tom Phillips

Anyway that was balls here are cars.

Martin Robinson

This YouTuber is struggling a bit. Don't want to be mean, but he's obviously nervous.

Wesley Yin-Poole

We're here with a YouTube 'creator' called Jesse who's really flummoxed by the autocue blanking out on him.

Martin Robinson

Is this dude a big YouTuber?

Wesley Yin-Poole

Feel for those guys there - looks like the autocue died on them.

Tom Phillips

Whatever car this guy is driving, it seems impervious to harm. The Superman of cars, if you will.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Every time I see a new Need for Speed it looks enough like Hot Pursuit for me to be excited and then I play it and get sad all over again.

Martin Robinson

What is with all the talking and explosions? What is wrong with nice cars and pretty roads?

Martin Robinson

So much has been talked about prior to E3 it's difficult to remember how much of anything shown so far is actually new. I think this is?

Tom Phillips

I like it when the cars do a crash though.

Martin Robinson

Next up, the game from the makers of Brothers.

Tom Phillips

I'm getting that vibe too. It's not a good vibe...

Martin Robinson

Is Patrick Soderlund handsome? 'In an evil villain type of way' says my partner.

Martin Robinson

NEEEEEEXT. It's the new game from the Brothers devs.

Martin Robinson

Well, one of them anyway - the filmmaker Josef Fares, who worked alongside Starbreeze for Brothers.

Martin Robinson

It's Prison Break: The Indie Game.

Tom Phillips

It looks very... EA?

Martin Robinson

A Way Out looks quite nice. Could be interesting.

Wesley Yin-Poole

I'm going to be honest - that was not what I expected.

Tom Phillips

Here's Josef, who struggles to pronounce his own surname. That's the pressure of being on an E3 stage, I guess.

Martin Robinson

This guy's quite good. Seems good for a laugh.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Josef is going very off autocue. I respect that.

Tom Phillips

A Way Out is 'a co-op game like nothing before'.

Martin Robinson

This is EA's annual 'let's get an indie and let them go nuts on-stage' section.

Martin Robinson

Only split-screen co-op, so you have to play online or local multiplayer.

Wesley Yin-Poole

They've got the audio levels messed up here, in the room at least. Can't hear the video narrator over the music.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Kind of looks like Brothers without the charm and a lot of wannabe HBO nonsense in its place?

Martin Robinson

'Does he have unusually long thumbs?'

Martin Robinson

SEED - Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division is a new "stealthy" team within EA.

Tom Phillips

The hand gestures of executives will always be a source of fascination and bewilderment for me. Is it something they're taught?

Martin Robinson

Here comes Project Dylan from BioWare.

Tom Phillips

Interesting, Patrick is bigging up Project Scorpio. Seems an odd thing to do during EA's media briefing. More tomorrow!

Wesley Yin-Poole

Here's Dylan.

Martin Robinson

Or Destiny I don't know.

Martin Robinson

Anthem is the new IP.

Tom Phillips

Of note - that Anthem footage is pre-alpha and "representative of the final experience".

Wesley Yin-Poole

It's called Anthem, and we'll see the rest tomorrow at Microsoft's briefing.

Martin Robinson

It's looks like Destiny meets Avatar.

Tom Phillips

I thought NBA Live was dead, but what do I know.

Martin Robinson

The first image of Anthem with the post-apocalyptic wall reminds me of Destiny, but the rest is a bit Titanfall meets Horizon.

Wesley Yin-Poole

I kind of get where he's coming from tbh.

Martin Robinson

The basketball bit is when the UK press get the chance to breath and make sure we're all up to date with our stories.

Wesley Yin-Poole


Martin Robinson

Lizardman is back on-stage, and he just did his lizard lips thing again.

Martin Robinson

Kind of want to see a fly buzz around in front of his face and see how long that thing goes.

Martin Robinson

Free Origin and EA Access! Excellent!

Wesley Yin-Poole

And now, Star Wars. For 30 whole minutes?

Martin Robinson

I'm kind of excited for this though - Battlefront turned into something pretty awesome over time.

Martin Robinson

Janina Gavankar is being very stern. Very aggressive. Are you okay, Chris Bratt?

Wesley Yin-Poole

If you're counting, here's our first non-male presenter.

Tom Phillips

Also our first non-robot presenter.

Tom Phillips

Battlefront 2, as we all know by now, introduces a big cinematic story mode plus three times more... content... *glug* *glug* *glug*

Martin Robinson

Slow nod. Love the slow nod.

Wesley Yin-Poole

All I want to know is if I can shout 'JAR JAR, UUUUSSSA DA BOOOOMA' in this one.

Martin Robinson

Oh good, EA's had the YouTubers in to play Star Wars first. Yay.

Wesley Yin-Poole


Wesley Yin-Poole

Can we kill Gungans?

Tom Phillips

We can thank those YouTubers playing Star Wars for the leak this morning.

Tom Phillips

Haha. Not that I'm bitter that they've all played it before us.

Martin Robinson

Not at all.

Martin Robinson

Duel of the Fates is in.

Martin Robinson

And that's me out of however much they're asking for this.

Martin Robinson

'Couldn't you just pay for an upgrade, or do you have to buy a whole new game'. My partner there, talking way too much sense.

Martin Robinson

Am I the only one excited about playing prequel stuff? THEY WEREN'T THAT BAD.

Martin Robinson

Well, graphically Star Wars Battlefront 2 looks incredible. That's got to be the PC version, yeah?

Wesley Yin-Poole

I mean, they were, but Darth Maul was cool right...

Martin Robinson

The prequels were that bad Martin, you monster.

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh lord we're getting our first look at the game via a 'shoutcaster' and some 'game changers' what even is this.

Martin Robinson

The big news - it sounds like EA's moving away from season passes, with free content coming to Battlefront 2. Including Finn, Captain Phasma and more.

Martin Robinson

Free DLC. Well that's good!

Wesley Yin-Poole

The first season will be The Last Jedi themed.

Martin Robinson

And all maps, vehicles etc will be free to all owners of the game.

Martin Robinson

This is all, all good.

Martin Robinson

Now, though, some shoutcasting.

Martin Robinson

In case you were wondering, the seats in the room are not comfortable, and my bum currently hurts. That is all.

Wesley Yin-Poole

What is a game changer though?

Martin Robinson

And thanks, Wes, I was wondering.

Martin Robinson

Playing first-person is sacrilege in Battlefront! Also, harder.

Martin Robinson

FinalLegion89: Anyone else not a massive fan of shoutcasting?

*raises hand*. I think it's my age, though.

Martin Robinson

iconld: So, will there be anything after this game?

I think it's 30 minutes of this then close.

Martin Robinson

I'm looking forward to Battlefront 2. I'm not enjoying this reveal, though. Being old sucks, I guess.

Martin Robinson

Don't know but if last year was anything to go by maybe some of those game changers are baked?

Martin Robinson

So, the different eras will all play together and not be splintered off, which is interesting.

Martin Robinson

Rey v Darth Maul v Vader etc.

Martin Robinson

Again I'm showing my age, but watching people play a game like this is kind of like watching someone read a book.

Martin Robinson

I'm sure they're having a lovely time and everything, but it's not for me.

Martin Robinson

The guy next to me (not Wesley) has bad breath.

Tom Phillips

That's all I've got right now.

Tom Phillips

Next up - a Star Wars mobile game.

Tom Phillips

I was hoping EA would show the campaign for Star Wars Battlefront 2, as that's what I'm most interested in. Gamescom, perhaps?

Wesley Yin-Poole

Oh, we're not actually seeing Galaxy of Heroes. Ah well.

Tom Phillips

EA dude boasts about paying $1000 in the Star Wars mobile game. Not sure that's something to be proud of, mate.

Wesley Yin-Poole

That was something.

Martin Robinson

Congrats on making Battlefront 2 look boring, I guess.

Martin Robinson

The tall man who keeps on doing a weird thumps up is back on stage.

Martin Robinson

And he's gone again, which I think means we're done.

Martin Robinson

Thanks guys! See you tomorrow for Microsoft.

Tom Phillips

Not the best start to E3, but it's EA so...

Martin Robinson

EA media briefing impressions: Brothers' dev new game looks interesting, Anthem looks like Destiny and Star Wars Battlefront 2 looks good. Oh, and FIFA 18 is fun to play.

Wesley Yin-Poole

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